Bianca Havukainen Bianca Havukainen

What is holistic life coaching?

If you haven’t had coaching before, the process of life coaching might seem like a mysterious thing – what happens in a coaching session, what does a life coach do, and how will life coaching help me? Coaching can work very quickly to make big wonderful shifts in your life, with positive flow on effects to your world around you. see how coaching can help you - READ MORE

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Bianca Havukainen Bianca Havukainen

Is it time to shift the paradigm?

Do you sometimes feel stuck in old patterns that aren't serving you well?

It is estimated that 95-97% of all our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are driven by the subconscious.

By bringing awareness to this, we can start to catch, challenge, and change our conditioning, and reframe and rewrite to create more supportive patterns that align with our truth… shifting the paradigm entirely.

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